Imago Mundi is a medieval expression originating from alchemy which proposes a representation of the world where the map refers more to the territory rather than to cartography. It is an interpretation of the world through images and elements which intend to represent it symbolically. Imago Mundi is also a series of five volumes written around 1410 by Pierre d’Ailly, French geologist and theologian whose first volume, Cosmography, presents the Aristotelian thesis of a round world and inspired Christopher Columbus on his first voyage.

A descriptive subtitle of the project is “Series and Parallel Connections” (concepts of electronics). It is intended to start an ambitious representation of the world by linking events, history facts, testimonials, constructed and found images, myths, theories, personalities, experiences, etc, without arranging the information into a hierachy and in a non-linear time, by using diverse languages. Imago Mundi is proposed as a hand-made google, an Akashic record and fundamentally a device that will enable the artist to navigate along routes of broad sense.


This will be the starting point and some of its reasons are:

Since DNA is in itself a model of information,

Because it is a map of encrypted information,

Due to its double-text condition,

Due to its direct relation with identity,

For its implication in the development of programs and search-engine logarithms for phrases,

For the pre-technological shamanic knowledge such as the Cosmic Serpent

For the implications that DNA analyses currently have in Argentina, etc,
The diverse routes of DNA are immense but still, are proposed as a beginning.

‘Imago Mundi is the title of a set of 12 treaties on Cosmography, written in 1410 by the French theologian Pierre d’Ailly. These books, which guided Columbus in his first trips, proposed a possible formal reading of the world from intuition and calculation of the stars.

Imago is a latin word meaning image or representation. Therefore, the title of the book is “Image of the World”. Interpretation and representation of the world in a moment of history.

In 2012 I started this project that consists of transferring data about various topics to the formal representation featured in maps, but always associated with modes and ideologies, that throughout the history of thought have attempted to represent the world.

Imago Mundi is a device that attempts to create a fictional cartography based on experience, the information found in files, data from different sources, built and found images. It is a representation tool that allows me to sort information in a unique way to propose new associations between one event and another.